Our new service provides sustainability education for businesses, schools and other organisations
As demonstrated with the latest Dubai Tourism Guidelines on Sustainability the UAE's focus is firmly set on corporate sustainability. Hospitality businesses are required to meet certain standards by 1 July 2021 in the following areas:
sustainable management approaches
waste and recycling
energy, food and water management plans
performance metrics incl. carbon calculator
employee training initiatives
green events
internal governance and local community engagement
To support businesses in this journey One Modern World is offering sustainability workshops with a focus on creating awareness among your employees in particular to
understand the problem of waste and single use plastic and
how they can contribute to meeting the government requirements.
The workshops are interactive, engaging and tailored based on the audience.
Contact Doua Benhida for more information. Doua has been holding workshops for various companies in the UAE and is a renowned zero waste expert.
Email: doua@onemodernworld.com